The purpose of this information is to make it conceivable for possible working group members to
figure out if they will
be a good candidate for a working group.
For the past few years, the CDIO Initiative has gone through a process for reconsidering and updating the CDIO approach for engineering education development. The update is expressed in the key steering documents – the CDIO Standards and CDIO Syllabus. The CDIO Standards are now in their third version (Malmqvist et al, 2020a) and completed by optional standards (Malmqvist et al, 2020b). What remains is to establish a new version of the CDIO Syllabus.
During the last decade, three major global developments motivate a new revision of the desired competences of graduating engineers; 1) Human driven degradation of ecosystems and the planetary system, such as climate change, are critical challenges for the survival of our civilization. 2) Digitalization is a key technology enabling engineers to address novel problems and existing problems in a much more effective. 3) There is also a perception that the pace of change has accelerated, which arguably renders engineering analysis different and requires decision-makers to continually be ready to reconsider. In addition, there is now extensive experience of the use and customization of the CDIO Syllabus within a widespread community. In particular, lessons learned from utilization for program and course development need to be taken care of. This working group thus aims to analyze the internal and external change drivers and use the findings to develop a revised CDIO Syllabus, the CDIO Syllabus 3.0. The work was started in 2019, when a comparison between the CDIO Syllabus 2.0 and the UNESCO key competences for sustainability revealed opportunities and needs for updating a number of topics in the CDIO Syllabus (Rosén et al, 2019). In this working group, we also bring in other change drivers originating in digital competences, accelerated pace of change, and CDIO community application experiences.
Our plan is to have draft versions of the updated Syllabus, and a paper that explains the motivation and process underlying the updates, ready before the conference. At the conference, the working group will have a session for informing interested members of the motivations, process, and preliminary results, and for gathering additional feedback. The CDIO Syllabus 3.0 and the paper will then be finalized based on the feedback from the conference and submitted for inclusion in the proceedings (after review by the Program Committee) and for decision by the Council.
Malmqvist, J., Edström, K., & Rosén, A. (2020a). CDIO Standards 3.0 – Updates to the Core CDIO Standards. Proceedings of the 16th International CDIO Conference (pp. 60–76). Gothenburg, Sweden: Chalmers University of Technology (online).
Malmqvist J., Edström K., Rosén A., Hugo R., & Campbell D. (2020b). Optional CDIO Standards: Sustainable Development, Simulation-Based Mathematics, Engineering Entrepreneurship, Internationalisation & Mobility. Proceedings of the 16th International CDIO Conference (pp. 48–59). Gothenburg, Sweden: Chalmers University of Technology (online).
Rosén, A., Edström, K., Grøm, A., Gumaelius, L., Munkebo Hussmann, P., Högfeldt, A-K., Karvinen, M., Keskinen, M., Knutson Wedel, M., Lundqvist, U., Lyng, R., Malmqvist, J., Nygaard, M., Vigild, M., & Fruergaard Astrup, T. (2019). Mapping the CDIO Syllabus to the UNESCO key competencies for sustainability. Proceedings of the 15th International CDIO Conference (pp. 67–84). Aarhus, Denmark: Aarhus University.
Anders Rosén
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Kristina Edström
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Ulrika Lundqvist
Chalmers University of Technology
Johan Malmqvist
Chalmers University of Technology
1. Form four sub-groups on the considered themes (3-4 persons in each)
2. Within sub-groups 1-3 (March - April)
3. Within sub-group 4 (March - April)
4. Compile updates from all sub-groups (end of April)
5. Open consultation for gathering feedback (May)
6. Compile draft updated Syllabus based on feedback from the open consultation (early June)
7. Draft state of the art paper (early June)
At the conference, the working group will lead a session for all interested members. The aim is to present the final draft, including the process for the work and rationale for updates, and to gather additional feedback to be incorporated in the final Syllabus version and state of the art paper.
The updated Syllabus and the paper will be drafted before the conference, updated based on feedback from the conference, and submitted shortly after the conference for inclusion in the proceedings (after review by the Program Committee) and for decision by the Council.
Application for joining the working group on Updating CDIO Syllabus 3.0 is done by filling out the application form and emailing it to the working group leaders.