Conference DayJune 21-23, 2021

CDIO International

The CDIO™ INITIATIVE is an innovative educational framework for producing the next generation of engineers.
The framework provides students with an education stressing engineering fundamentals set in the context of Conceiving — Designing— Implementing — Operating (CDIO) real-world systems and products. Throughout the world, CDIO Initiative collaborators have adopted CDIO as the framework of their curricular planning and outcome-based assessment. CDIO collaborators recognize that an engineering education is acquired over a long period and in a variety of institutions, and that educators in all parts of this spectrum can learn from practice elsewhere. The CDIO network therefore welcomes members in a diverse range of institutions ranging from research-led internationally acclaimed universities to local colleges dedicated to providing students with their initial grounding in engineering.

Previous CDIO Conferences

2020 (16th) Charlmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden (online)
2019 (15th) Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
2018 (14th) Kanazawa Institute of Technology (KIT), Kanazawa, Japan
2017 (13th) University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
2016 (12th) Turku University of Applied Sciences, Turku, Finland
2015 (11th) Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu, China
2014 (10th) Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
2013 (9th) MIT-Harvard, Cambridge, USA
2012 (8th)) Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
2011 (7th) Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
2010 (6th) Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal. Montreal, Quebec, Canada
2009 (5th) Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore
2008 (4th) Hogeschool Gent, Gent, Belgium
2007 (3rd) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
2006 (2nd) Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden
2005 (1st) Queens University. Kingston, Ontario, Canada