Conference DayJune 21-23, 2021

The information about CDIO Academy will be updated soon.

What is the CDIO Academy?

Welcome to the 2020 CDIO Academy to be held at Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand from 8-11 June 2020. Fifty undergraduate students from around the world will work together to showcase their research, design-build-test, and present their ideas. The Academy will begin on Monday 8th June 2020 in the afternoon, following by the welcome reception in the evening. The CDIO 2020 Conference Reception will run at the same time and venue.

If you have questions about the CDIO Academy, please direct your questions


Date Program
2020.01.15 Information on "CDIO Academy" is published. Academy application form is available.
2020.03.15 Application deadline
2020.03.31 Acceptance announcement
2020.04.01 The registration link will be available.
2020.04.30 Registration deadline
2020.05.01 Pre-assignment document will be available.
2020.05.15 Project team and Team-assignment (Pre-camp) will be announced.
2020.06.08 CDIO Academy starts
2020.06.11 CDIO Academy final pitch and award ceremony


The CDIO Academy takes place alongside the CDIO conference and there is a specific program for the participants of the CDIO Academy. If you have questions, contact the Academy: